Product Purchase

Do you sell products to the military

No, we do not supply the military because our products do not meet military standards and are intended only for civil purposes.

How long will delivery take?

Shipping takes 2-3 working days.

However, packages headed for Australia and New Zealand take a day longer.

What exactly happens after ordering?

After making your payment (via cryptocurrency) we get a notification on our company mail indicating "Order Complete"

When we get that confirmation, we immediately proceed with packaging and shipping to your provided address.

Note that after this process we will then send to you via email and text, your product tracking number so that you can follow up your packages movements till its in your possession .

Do you offer any discounts or buying on installments?

Sorry we do not but however, we do offer a coupon to a customer after his or her third purchase. You  can then use your coupon to get a 20% discount on your fourth order.

As a company/retailer, there is no distributor in my country. How do i purchase?

If you are a company, please send us your details, on the contact page, to discuss possible purchase as a reseller.


How long do I have to return an order?

We offer a 2 week guarantee period.
Within this period, if there is any issue with your order you can get a refund of your money in full or another product. However, this only applies if the issue with the product is our fault.

Payment Information

What methods of payments do you accept

For transparency and to keep the customer's identity anonymous we only accept CRYPTOCURRENCY

Where can i purchase bitcoins/Ethereum?

To buy bitcoins, we recommend you use venmo or cash app.

To buy ethereum, we recommend or

Can the country receiving the shipment be different than the country of purchase?

Yes we ship to countries out of USA, except Asian and African countries. 

To be more precise we ship to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North America and South America.

What cryptocurrencies do you accept

We accept most cryptocurrencies but the top 4 most common and easy to access crypto currencies we accept are.

  3. USDC
Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Yes of course. We only post products that are currently in stock and available for delivery.

Will you restock items indicated as “out of stock"?

Yes we do. however, probability of us running out of stock is closest to zero, Since restocking is always done before a shortage.

Thermal Scope

Why is the image quality at low temperatures worst than at positive temperatures?

Due to various thermal conductivity issues, objects (surrounding environment, background) under observation warm faster at positive temperatures, which enables better temperature contrast and, thus, the quality of the image produced by a thermal scope, will be superior. At low operating temperatures objects under observation (background) normally cool down to roughly equal temperatures, which leads to lower temperature contrast and image quality degradation.

Do i need a permission to travel with my thermal scopes to other countries?

Thermal devices are export sensitive if exported outside USA. Also it might be necessary to apply for import license if you are entering the destination country. Please contact the customs service of the destination country to find out if any restrictions for the import of thermal devices as a personal belonging apply.

I can hear a clicking sound during calibration. Can i turn it off?

No, a clicking sound is normal in the automatic and semiautomatic calibration modes. You may switch to the manual calibration mode to avoid the sound. Remember to close the lens cover to make sure no ghost images appear on the display.

Can i use thermal scopes on high calibre riffles?

Pulsar riflescopes feature a max. shock resistance of 6000 Joules which allows use on heavy calibers. Please check this value for your cartridges prior to using.

Does the scope feature image boost?

Image Boost is not available as a dedicated feature but it’s incorporated in all observation modes.

My image freezes from time to time. Is this a defect?

In the course of the calibration process the image freezes on the screen – this is normal and not a defect. Default calibration mode is “Automatic” (the software decides when calibration is necessary) but you can change it to “Manual” mode in the "Main menu" => "Calibration mode" to calibrate the scope when you need to based on actual image quality. lease close the lens cover prior to manual calibration. We recommend using automatic mode all the time. Please read more about calibration in the user manual for your thermal device.

thermal scope rifle

thermal scope rifle